Reconstruction of Political thought in Islam

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Author: Dr Junaid Hassan

'Religion of Peace' rhetoric has failed, for actions speak louder than words. If Muslims are to survive in the modern world, they must reconstruct their religious thought. Almost a century ago, this is what Iqbal (d. 1938) had called for. The present work is an answer to his call, as regards the political law of Islam. Its mainstream (mis)interpretation has already caused much mischief, misery and massacre. This work invites us, Muslims, to finally mend our ways and roll back our distorted political thought to the original teachings of our Prophet. Therein lies the salvation of both the worlds.



'Religion of Peace' rhetoric has failed, for actions speak louder than words. If Muslims are to survive in the modern world, they must reconstruct their religious thought. Almost a century ago, this is what Iqbal (d. 1938) had called for. The present work is an answer to his call, as regards the political law of Islam. Its mainstream (mis)interpretation has already caused much mischief, misery and massacre. This work invites us, Muslims, to finally mend our ways and roll back our distorted political thought to the original teachings of our Prophet. Therein lies the salvation of both the worlds.

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